Webhook objects

Rate change

The object sent to the webhook when the rate_change event is triggered have the identifier of the property and the roomtype affected by the change.

actionType of the action, in this case always will be rate_change
property_idIdentifier of the property
room_type_idsIdentifiers of the roomtypes
  "action": "rate_change",
  "property_id": 1000,
  "room_type_ids": [

Availability change

The object sent to the webhook when the availability_change event is triggered has several fields related to the availability changes

actionType of the action, in this case always will be availability_change
property_idIdentifier of the property
room_type_idsIdentifiers of the roomtypes
startStart date for the availability change
endEnd date for the availability change
sourceIndicates the Source of the change
  "action": "availability_change",
  "property_id": 1000,
  "room_type_ids": [
  "start": "2022-06-13T00:00:00",
  "end": "2022-06-14T00:00:00",
  "source": "Manual"

Guest message received

Webhook triggered when a new guest message is received in any thread belonging to the user. A thread could be associated with a booking or an enquiry. The object sent has the following fields:

thread_uidThread unique identifier in the way of UUID
message_idIdentifier of the message.
inbox_uidBooking or Enquiry Id related to the inbox. The format used is a B or E followed by a number.
guest_nameGuest's name as stated in the booking or enquiry.
subjectThe subject of the message. It could be empty.
messageThe main content's message.
creation_timeThe creation date. In UTC zone.
has_attachmentsA boolean value to specify if the message has files attached.
  "action": "guest_message_received",
  "thread_uid": "dd51acc0-ebfb-4659-a6b3-0072538dbfaf",
  "message_id": 12345678,
  "inbox_uid": "B12345",
  "guest_name": "John Doe",
  "subject": null,
  "message": "example message content",
  "creation_time": "2024-01-30T14:15:00+00:00",
  "has_attachments": false

Booking change

The object sent to the webhook for all the booking related events has the same format and its formed by several fields that represent the booking

actionType of the action, in this case it will be one of the booking related events
bookingContains information about the booking
booking.typeType of Booking
booking.idIdentifier of the Booking
booking.date_arrivalArrival date for the booking
booking.date_departureDeparture date for the booking
booking.date_createdBooking creation time
booking.property_idIdentifier of the property
booking.property_nameName of the property
booking.property_image_urlUrl image for the property
booking.statusBooking status
booking.room_typesArray containing all the roomtypes related to this booking
booking.room_types[]room_type_idIdentifier of the Room Type
booking.room_types[]image_urlUrl image for the Room Type
booking.room_types[]nameName of the Room Type
booking.room_types[]peopleNumber of people
booking.add_onsArray containing information about the addons related to this booking (if any)
booking.add_ons[]add_on_idAdd On identifier
booking.add_ons[]nameName of the Add On
booking.add_ons[]unitsNumber of units of the Add On
booking.currency_codeCurrency Code
booking.sourceSource of the booking
booking.source_textSource Text for the booking
booking.notesNotes added to the booking
booking.languageLanguage for the booking
booking.ip_addressIp Address from where the booking was created
booking.ip_countryCountry related to the Ip address from where the booking was created
booking.is_policy_activeIndicates if policy is active
booking.external_urlBooking external Url
booking.nightsNumber of nights
booking.promotion_codePromotion code used in the booking
guestContains information about the guest for this booking
guest.uidGuest unique identifier
guest.nameGuest name
guest.emailGuest email
guest.phone_numberGuest Phone number
guest.countryGuest country name
guest.country_codeGuest country code
current_orderDetails about the order related to this booking
current_order.idOrder identifier
current_order.property_idOrder property identifier
current_order.currency_codeOrder currency code
current_order.statusOrder status
current_order.amount_gross.amountGross amount for the order
current_order.amount_gross.total_room_rate_amountGross amount for total room rate
current_order.amount_gross.total_fees_amountGross amount for total fees
current_order.amount_gross.total_taxes_amountGross amount for total taxes
current_order.amount_gross.total_promotions_amountGross amount for total promotions
current_order.amount_net.amountNet amount for the order
current_order.amount_net.total_room_rate_amountNet amount for total room rate
current_order.amount_net.total_fees_amountNet amount for total fees
current_order.amount_net.total_taxes_amountNet amount for total taxes
current_order.amount_net.total_promotions_amountNet amount for total promotions
current_order.amount_vat.amountTotal amount for sales tax or VAT
current_order.amount_vat.total_room_rate_amountSales tax or VAT amount for the room rate total
current_order.amount_vat.total_fees_amountSales tax or VAT amount for the fees total
current_order.amount_vat.total_taxes_amountSales tax or VAT amount for the local taxes total
current_order.amount_vat.total_promotions_amountSales tax or VAT amount for the promotions total
current_order.date_agreedAgreement date
current_order.cancellation_policy_textCancellation policy text
current_order.security_deposit_textSecurity deposit text
current_order.scheduled_policy_textPayment scheduled policy text
current_order.rate_policy_nameRate policy name
current_order.rental_agreement_acceptedRental agreement accepted
current_order.owner_payoutOwner payout
subownerDetails about the subowner related to this booking
subowner.user_idSubowner identifier
subowner.first_nameSubowner first name
subowner.last_nameSubowner last name
subowner.emailSubowner email
subowner.phoneSubowner phone
booking_total_amountTotal amount of the booking
booking_currency_codeCode of the currency associated with the booking
total_transactionsDetails about the transactions
total_transactions.amountTotal transactions amount
balance_dueTotal due for the booking
    "action": "booking_change",
    "booking": {
      "type": "Booking",
      "id": 123456,
      "date_arrival": "2022-05-21T00:00:00",
      "date_departure": "2022-05-24T00:00:00",
      "date_created": "2022-05-17T19:48:14+00:00",
      "property_id": 10000,
      "property_name": "Amazing Property on the Beach",
      "property_image_url": "https://l.icdbcdn.com/oh/71466fcc-6bb9-4b52-8145-3dc22fc435534e.jpg?f=32",
      "status": "Booked",
      "room_types": [
          "id": 999999,
          "room_type_id": 12345,
          "image_url": null,
          "name": "",
          "people": 1
      "add_ons": [],
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "source": "AirbnbIntegration",
      "source_text": "XXXXXXX9",
      "notes": null,
      "language": "en",
      "ip_address": null,
      "ip_country": null,
      "is_policy_active": true,
      "external_url": null,
      "nights": 3,
      "promotion_code": null
    "guest": {
      "uid": "AJgBFoLdfe533443JrDha0E2kGg",
      "name": "John Doe",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "phone_number": "667675867768",
      "country": null,
      "country_code": null
    "current_order": {
      "id": 12343,
      "property_id": 10000,
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "status": "Agreed",
      "amount_gross": {
        "amount": "1235",
        "total_room_rate_amount": "900",
        "total_fees_amount": "282",
        "total_taxes_amount": "53",
        "total_promotions_amount": "0"
      "amount_net": {
        "amount": "1113",
        "total_room_rate_amount": "778",
        "total_fees_amount": "282",
        "total_taxes_amount": "53",
        "total_promotions_amount": "0"
      "amount_vat": {
        "amount": "122",
        "total_room_rate_amount": "122",
        "total_fees_amount": "0",
        "total_taxes_amount": "0",
        "total_promotions_amount": "0"
      "date_agreed": "2022-05-17T19:56:32+00:00",
      "cancellation_policy_text": "",
      "security_deposit_text": "",
      "scheduled_policy_text": "Not scheduled in Lodgify",
      "rate_policy_name": "Reservation start date > 2 weeks",
      "rental_agreement_accepted": true,
      "owner_payout": 0.0000
    "subowner": {
      "user_id": 23244,
      "first_name": "Jane",
      "last_name": "Doe",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "phone": "66456534545"
    "booking_total_amount": "1113",
    "booking_currency_code": "USD",
    "total_transactions": {
      "amount": "0"
    "balance_due": "1113"