Loading properties error
Dear team,
currently our website is not loading properties from lodgify via API. Is there some error or update going on? Website was working fine for last 4 years.
Website: [www.eliteroyalapartments.com](http://www.eliteroyalapartments.com)
Trying to understand if problem is on your or our end.
Posted by Tomas Dolezal 5 days ago
Creating a booking with Lodgify API.
I tried to create a booking with this functionality:
<br />
$client = new \\GuzzleHttp\\Client();
<br />
$response = $client->request('POST', '<https://api.lodgify.com/v1/reservation/booking'>, \[
'body' => '{"guest":{"name":"Michaela de Weze","email":"[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])","street_address1":"Feldmannstr. 22","city":"Saarbrücken","postal_code":"66119","country_code":"DE","state":"Saarland"},"source_text":"Booking System","arrival":"2022-03-20T15:00:00.000000Z","departure":"2022-03-25T10:00:00.000000Z","property_id":388834,"rooms":[{"room_type_id":454667,"people":1}],"status":"Booked","bookability":"BookingRequest","total":285,"currency_code":"EUR"}',
'headers' => [
'X-ApiKey' => '---',
'accept' => 'application/json',
'content-type' => 'application/*+json',
<br />
echo $response->getBody();
<br />
But I received this error:
"message": "The house doesn't exist or it doesn't belongs to any website with a valid subscription",
"code": 997,
"correlation_id": "0HN66KSLNTPAK:00000004",
"event_id": null
In above case, 388834 is rental id and 454667 is room id which is in the 388834 rental.
I received these two ID from lodgify api (<https://api.lodgify.com/v1/properties/{id}>).
Can you explain why I am facing these issue?
And I tried this action in <https://docs.lodgify.com/reference/post_v1-reservation-booking-1>.
<br />
Thanks in advance.
<br />
Posted by Mykyta Shymanskyi 7 days ago
"Arrival and Departure cannot be the same day"
import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime
# API endpoint
url = "<https://api.lodgify.com/v1/reservation/booking">
# Your API key
api_key = "xxx"
# Reservation details
reservation_data = {
"PropertyId": 123456,
"Adults": 1,
"FirstName": "testdude",
"LastName": "Test",
"Email": "[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])"
"CheckIn": "2024-08-30",
"CheckOut": "2024-08-31",
"Source": "API"
# Headers
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-ApiKey": api_key
response = requests.post(url, json=reservation_data, headers=headers)
and the result:
Error creating reservation. Status code: 400
Response content:
"message": "Arrival and Departure cannot be the same day",
"code": 996,
"correlation_id": "0HN66KUDUARLU:0000002B",
"event_id": null
why i get this kind of error when trying to generate a test reservation/booking even though those are not same days?!
Posted by Toni Huhtari 12 days ago
Public API: after sending the quote information via API, it does not show the quote details in lodgify
Hello Team,
<br />
We are building a website for the client and integrated lodgify via API. But we are facing one problem which is when we send the quote information of the booking via API it does not show that quote amount in lodgify reservations. Can you please look into it?
I reached out to you regarding this last week as well but did not get any response. Looking forward to your response.
Posted by Kevin Smith 13 days ago
Public API
Hello Team,
<br />
I hired a company for website designing and they also integrated Lodgify via public API. they succesfully integrated it but there is a small problem, when they pull the cleaning fee it is marking this as misc, charges (PFA). Can you please help me with that?Kevin
Posted by Kevin Smith 18 days ago
need help in Public api
Hello Team,
I hope you are doing well.
I am working with a website designing company and they are creating my website and integrating lodgify to it via Lodgify public API, everything is done, however when they send the booking information via 'gets a quote' api, it does not show that booking details under reservation. I would need help with that.
Posted by Kevin 18 days ago
Currency & Prices
Hi there,
When retrieving property info I get a response that includes:
"min_price": 138.02241484017006,
"original_min_price": 250,
"max_price": 138.02241484017006,
"original_max_price": 250,
"price_unit_in_days": 1,
"currency": {
"id": 80,
"code": "NZD",
"name": "New Zealand dollar",
"euro_forex": 1.8113,
"symbol": "$ "
will I always have to calculate the price by multiplying `max_price * euro_forex` for example. Is there a reason why it is done this way, rather than just simply returning the correct value in NZD
Posted by Adam 19 days ago
Messages thread in booking
Is there an endpoint to use to see the messages thread in booking?
Posted by Jon-OA 24 days ago
Custom field for a reservation
Is it possible via API to populate a custom field for a given reservation? To be a bit more specific, if a customer has our integration with Lodgify active for a listing, any time a new reservation is created for that property, we want to trigger the creation of a field that can be used as a variable by the host as part of their pre-arrival information that a guest receives. So for example a host customer can create a welcome email template for an upcoming guest reservation that says:
Welcome {guestFirstName},
We are excited for your arrival on {arrivalDate}. Here is a link to some information that will be helpful for your trip: {RESERVATION-SPECIFIC_LINK_GOES_HERE}.
Can you let us know if this is possible and if so some guidance on which part of your API to use?
Posted by Dana Young 26 days ago
Populate data to Doorinstructions or key_code via API
I hope you're doing well.
We're in the final stages of planning our integration with Lodgify, and we need your assistance with a specific requirement. Our goal is to populate a custom field with a link in the automated messages, specifically for check-in instructions.
I noticed that the DoorInstructions field is available as a default value when creating or modifying an automated message. However, I haven't been able to find a way to populate this field via the API.
Additionally, while I've seen the key_code parameter for rooms in the API, it doesn't seem to fulfill the same purpose.
Could you please advise on how we can populate a link for each reservation under DoorInstructions or a similar field? This is crucial as it allows us to provide guests with their check-in instructions.
Thank you very much for your support!
Posted by Bernadí 28 days ago