JUMP TOLodgify Public API v1GlobalCountries CodesgetCountry by codegetCurrencies codesgetCurrency by codegetChannelsLists channels for OTAsgetPropertiesProperty ratesgetProperties info listgetProperty info by idgetRoom info in a property by idgetAvailable addonsgetAvailable paymentsgetRatesDaily ratesgetUpdates specific ratespostWebhooksUser's webhooksgetSubscribes to a webhook.postUnsubscribes from a webhookdeleteWebhook objectsReservationsGets availability for a roomgetGets availability for a propertygetGets all availabilitesgetChange units for a roompostBookings in the inboxgetNon read bookings/enquiriesgetBooking's detailsgetUpdates a bookingputDeletes a bookingdeleteQuote's detailsgetCreates a quotepostPayment link for a quote.getBooking's payment linkpostEnquiry's detailsgetDeletes an enquirydeleteCreates a bookingpostCreates an enquirypostCreates a callmebackpostRecovers a bookingputRecovers a Enquiry from the trashputReopens a bookingputSets as declined a bookingputSets as tentative a bookingputSets as booked a bookingputSets as declined an enquiryputReopens an enquiryputBatch deletes bookings or enquiriespostRequests a payment for a bookingputCheckin a booking at the specified timeputCheckout a booking at the specified timeputGets a quotegetLodgify Public API v2PropertiesProperties info listgetProperty info by IdgetAvailable roomsgetGets deleted propertiesgetRatesDaily ratesgetRate's settingsgetReservationsGets all availabilitesgetGets availability for a propertygetGets availability for a roomgetList of bookingsgetUpdate rooms' access key codesputExternal bookings by Booking idgetBooking by idgetGets a booking's payment linkgetCreate a payment link for a bookingpostCheckin a booking at the specified timeputCheckout a booking at the specified timeputGets a quotegetPowered by Countries Codesget https://api.lodgify.com/v1/countriesReturns a list of all the available countries