Connect Lodgify data with CRM in real time
9 months ago by Kate Brown
Hi there,
I'm looking to feed Lodgify contact data into my CRM when behaviours occur, e.g.:
- Someone contacts us
- Booking is booked
- Booking cancelled
- Booking complete (departure date passed)
- Etc.
I've been trying to do this via Zapier but unable to find the right behaviour triggers / some of the fields don't align (i believe it's because Zapier only pulls across generic fields as opposed to custom).
Is there any other way I can achieve this, or any advice on how I can make this work with Zapier?
Currently not got a set CRM but will probably go for Mailchimp or Hubspot.
I don't believe I can achieve this with the existing Mailchimp integration. Having tested it out, it looks just like a newsletter sign up form that integrates between the Lodgify site and Mailchimp.